Thursday, February 7, 2008

Premature ejaculation- Life style modifications

Life style and sex life are intimately related. The needs of modern life has placed increased demands on people. The break neck speed of corporate life often act as a damper on the sex life of many people. This also brings in its wake sexual dysfunctions like loss of interest in sex, erectile problems and premature ejaculation. This ugly spin off can put deleterious effects on family life. Happy family life gets splintered in many cases.
A study published in the February 2007 issue of “The American Journal of Medicine” by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Johns Hopkins Hospital has established a direct correlation between age, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, lack of physical activity and erectile dysfunction. The researchers report that lifestyle changes like increase of physical activity, stricter dietary control and measures for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and diabetes may prevent or decrease cases of erectile dysfunction. These observations have relevance in the case of premature ejaculation also.
The recommended changes include reduction of saturated fat in diet , consumption of more fresh fruits and vegetables, more of whole grains, reduction of sodium intake, and consumption of food rich in fibre. Moderation of alcohol intake is a prime need that has been stressed. The study also make a plea for quitting smoking. The role of regular exercise has been highlighted. A separate study reported that older men who ran 40 miles a week boosted their testosterone levels by 25% when compared to inactive people.
Regular practice of Yoga and meditation is a great way to bring down stress related problems which impacts sex life.
The writing on the wall is very clear. If you want to lead a happy contented love life you have to change the profligate life style and adopt measures in sync with genuine biological needs of the body.


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Arnau R said...

No garlic doesn't do this! But it will increase your overall health (boosts the immune system).

Men who suffer from premature ejaculation should try to avoid medications, pills, sprays as much as possible.

Try this course which shows you how to change your own impulses and overcome premature ejaculation naturally.

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